Peace begins with me
how the world I see
and what I choose to be
Peace begins with you
through everything you do
creates a kind of glue

Katherine Li



Impacts of COVID-19 on the Lives and Livelihood of the Female Workers in Bangladeshi Garment Industries

Funded by CTRG, Period: 2021

Nosophobia or Sinophobia

Status: Ongoing Funded by School of Sociology and Ethnology: Yunnan University, Kunming, China, Period: March to December 2020.

Poverty Narratives and Lived Experiences of Urban Poor in the Post-COVID 19 Bangladesh,

Funded by Conference Travel and Research Grants Committee (CTRGC)

Mental Health of Urban Adolescents

December 2020-December 2021. NSU-CTRG grants.

Covid-19 driven Mental Health among the Urban Adolescence

Funded by CTRG, NSU

Working in a Research project

On gender Empowerment, Identity crisis, and Politics of forced migration of Rohingya refugees

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