Award Giving Ceremony for the Winner of CPS Logo Contest

Md. Moinul Hossain

Center for Peace Studies (CPS) of South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG) at North South University organized a prize giving ceremony on 16 November, 2020. The purpose of the ceremony was to give an award to the winner of the designer of the logo of CPS website. In response to a call for logo design contents, a total of 18 logos were submitted early 2020. CPS accepted the design submitted by Md. Moinul Hossain. Professor Sk. Tawfique M. Haque, the Director of CPS and Chair of the Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS), handed over the prize money to the winner at the Department of PSS. The Coordinator, members, interns of CPS, and administrative personnel of PSS were present in the ceremony. The winner Mr. Hossain received Tk 10,000 for demonstrating his creativity in the logo design contest.

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