Certificate Course on the Rohingya Crisis

Course Outline

Course Session

Course Booklet

Course Inauguration

Organized by

Resource Persons

Common Queries

The course costs 20,000 BDT. The approximate cost of the field trip to Cox’s Bazar is 10,000 BDT. Participants do not need to pay the field trip cost during course registration.

A Certificate of Completion which can be used to demonstrate professional development. Participants will be required to attend all sessions to obtain a completion certificate.

The field trip is optional.

Physically.  However, CPS will deliver the certificate to your address in case you are unable to collect it physically.

The tentative date of the field trip is late August, 2021. However, because of the lockdown and travel restrictions, the date of the field trip may move to early September.

Participants not joining the field visit will write an alternative assignment.

You will gain skills, empathy, and knowledge that can be applied to your professional life.

You may pay via BKash or through a bank. Both information are available in the course registration form.


Note: Please note that Bkash works only inside Bangladesh

12 weeks (June 19 to September 4, 2021). Sessions will be held on Saturdays from 10 am – 1.30 pm BST with a 30-minute break in between.

The Chatham House Rule will be followed in this course. As a result, any information related to the course, should not be disclosed to the non-participants.

This course is open to professionals, students, others who seek a career in the field of displacement / forced migration etc. That means participants do not need to be based in Bangladesh.

The resource persons in the course come both from home and abroad universities, research organizations, government organizations, UN, and other international agencies.


The confirmed resource persons are:

• Dr. Katherine LiNorth South University

 Ambassador Shahidul HaqueNorth South University

• Mr. John Quinley, Fortify Rights

 Professor Imtiaz Ahmed, The University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

• Dr. Kawser Ahmed, CRRIC, Canada

 Dr. M. Sakhawat HussainNorth South University

 Dr. Helal MohiuddinNorth South University

 Dr. Ishrat Zakia SultanaNorth South University

 Ms. Tata ZafarNorth South University

 Dr. Harisur RahmanNorth South University

 Mr. Raheed Ejaz, Prothom Alo, Bangladesh

 Dr. SK Tawfique M Haque, North South University

 Mr. Bob Rae, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations, and Canada’s Special Envoy to Myanmar in 2017

 Professor William Simmons, The University of Arizona, USA

 Dr. Bulbul SiddiqiNorth South University

 Dr. M Jashim UddinNorth South University

 Ambassador Riaz Hamidullah, The Netherlands

 Dr. Mohsin Habib, Laurentian University, Australia

 Ambassador Sufiur Rahman, Former Ambassador to Myanmar

 Dr. Simon Adams, Executive Director, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

• Dr. Md. Rizwanul Islam, North South University

• Ms. Zainab Arkani, Founder, Rohingya language school, Canada

• Ms. Zaitun Pwin, York University, Canada

• Ms. Debbie Stothard, Coordinator/Founder, ALTSEAN

• Mr. Manuel Marques Pereira, Deputy Chief of Mission at IOM

• Anwar Shah Arkani

• Mr. Johannes Van Der Klaauw, UNHCR

Have more questions? Drop us a message in the form below and we will get back to you soon!

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