Organized in partnership with the Bangladesh Institute of Peace Support Operations Training (BIPSOT), this course is the first of its kind in Bangladesh to discuss humanitarianism, policy, and diplomacy. Dr. Katherine Li, CPS Advisor, is the Course Coordinator while Ambassador M Shahidul Haque is the course advisor. The course has been organized on zoom. It will run from Feb 6 to April 10, 2021.
CPS organized a brief inauguration ceremony of the course where Vice-Chancellor of NSU Prof Atiqul Islam, US Ambassador Mr. Earl R. Miller, Major General Abdul Qayyum Mollah, Head of BIPSOT, ndc, PSC, CPS Director Dr. Sk. Tawfique M. Haque, and CPS Coordinator Dr. Ishrat Zakia Sultana were present.
42 Participants joined the course from Bangladesh, Canada, Japan, and Italy who were students and professionals in the areas of teaching, journalism, government and non-government and international organizations. The trainers of the course are from different universities of Bangladesh, Australia, USA, Thailand etc., from government and non-government organizations, UN and various international organizations.
The topics covered in this course included concepts, principles and history of humanitarian organizations, their origins, development, and scope of work, conflict resolution and humanitarian initiatives, humanitarian action in climate change and displacement, human rights and gender in the humanitarian crisis, Rwanda in the context of humanism., Darfur, and Somalia Case Study, Humanitarian Diplomacy, The Future of Humanism, etc. One of the notable aspects of the course, despite being an online course, is the physical inspection by the course participants at the Rohingya camp in Cox’s Bazar, an example of humanitarianism for refugees. The 4-hour course has been designed to run every Saturday afternoon until April 10, 2021 Bangladesh time.