North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies
Aims And Scope
North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed journal publishing annually in both electronic and print format. The journal aims to engage topics and themes related to domestic, geopolitical, and international peace and justice; issues of political culture and diversity; issues in international law, global security, and world order; problems of socioeconomic development, public health, and environment related to Sustainable Development Goals; proposals for practicable solutions to problems of social and distributive justice and reduction or elimination of structural violence, armed conflict, and forced migration; governance policy related to the foregoing themes, etc. The journal welcomes diverse, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary studies that engage these contemporary issues. It is not limited to any particular school of thought, geographic region, or research methodology. Submissions having empirical, quantitative, or qualitative research methods are welcome.
Norman K. Swazo
Department of History and Philosophy, North South University
Managing Editor
Mohammed Nuruzzaman
Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University
Associate Editors
Ahmed Hossain
Department of Public Health, North South University
Md. Rizwanul Islam
Department of Law, North South University
Bulbul Siddiqi
Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University
Ishrat Zakia Sultana
Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University
Abdul Wohab
Department of Political Science and Sociology, North South University
Editorial Assistant
Mahmud Bin Morshad
Research Associate (IT & Communication)
South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG), North South University
Hassan Bashir (Texas A&M, Qatar)
Paul Chaney (Cardiff University)
Catia C. Confortini (Wellesley College)
James Thuo Gathii (Loyola University, Chicago)
Fleur Johns (University of New South Wales)
Meredith Kolsky Lewis (University at Buffalo)
Benjamin Miller (University of Haifa)
Arild Engelson Ruud (University of Oslo)
Geoffrey Samuel (Cardiff University; University of Sydney)
William Paul Simmons (University of Arizona)
Rita Verma (Adelphi University)
Due Date: 31 June 2022
Publication Date, Inaugural Issue: November/December 2022
Instructions for Authors
NSJPGS accepts papers in English language only. Papers should represent theoretical, empirical, quantitative or qualitative research discussions consistent with the author(s)’ discipline, or otherwise as appropriate to interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary research methods in use. The word count for submitted papers should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words (including footnotes and references). Papers should not be submitted simultaneously to, or be under review by, another journal when submitted to NSJPGS. If the paper has been placed on a preprint platform prior to submittal, then a statement to this effect (along with the URL for the preprint) should be provided on the title page upon submittal. Preprint publication does not rule out consideration of a paper for publication in the journal, but the submitted paper should be a revised and updated version of the preprint. The corresponding author is expected to provide a statement clarifying the differences in content between the preprint and submitted version of the paper. The main manuscript file should be anonymized for peer review, including removal of author information from the document properties file data. Use a separate title page providing paper title and author(s) information, including names of author(s), institutional affiliation(s), and contact email(s) for the corresponding author. All papers should have an abstract of up to 250 words and up to five keywords, both placed after the paper’s title. Use sequential page numbering, 12-point Times New Roman font, bold face type in title case format for the main title and for section titles, double-spacing throughout main text and footnote text, tab-indented block quotes for citations having four or more sentences, double-quotation marks for citation within the main text, margins of 2.5 inches on all sides, and full justified text format. Use the (Author surname, Year, page) style format for all citations and include a References List (in alphabetical order) at the end of the paper for all works cited. Footnotes may be used and are to be numbered sequentially in superscript, but only for additional explanation or remarks and not for bibliographic information. NSJPGS has no submission or article processing charges. Papers are to be submitted electronically only, to the ATTN: Managing Editor, at General inquiries may be sent to the same email and additional information about the journal may be found at .
Volume I inaugural issue is due to be published in November/December 2022