Full-Time Faculty
Associate Professor
Ph.D. Cardiff University, UK
M.A. Sociology and Social Policy, The University of Nottingham , UK
Phone: +880-2-55668200 Ext: 6146
Email: mohammad.siddiqi@northsouth.edu
Office: NAC 907, North South University, Plot 15, Block B, Bashundhara, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Bulbul Siddiqi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and Sociology and the Director of Confucius Institute at NSU. He has a strong background of academic and development research. He completed doctoral research from Cardiff University, UK following Ethnographic research method to understand Islamic revivalist movement (the Tablighi Jamaat) in the UK and Bangladesh based on a long-term fieldwork. The title of his doctoral research was ‘The Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh and the UK: an Ethnographic Study of an Islamic Reform Movement’. He also earned MA in Global Citizenship, Identities and Human Rights from the University of Nottingham. During his stay in Cardiff, Dr. Siddiqi worked as part time research assistant in a project titled ‘The Challenge of Islam: Young Bangladeshis, Marriage and the Family in Bangladesh and the UK’.
(2019) Tablighi Jamaat: Bangladesh o Bishwaporishore (in Bengali), Dhaka: Prothoma [Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh and the Global Context]
(2018) Becoming ‘Good Muslim‘: The Tablighi Jamaat in the UK and Bangladesh, Springer.
Book Chapter
(2019) Perception of the Pathways towards Radicalisation among Urban Youth in Bangladesh, in Hasan, Mubashar, Isezaki, Kenji and Yasir, Sameer (eds), Radicalization in South Asia: Context, Trajectories and Implication, New Delhi: SAGE.
(2017) Implementation of Policy on Combating Child Trafficking in Bangladesh, in Society and Public Policy, Research Volume 1, Dhaka: Public Policy and Governance Program.
Referred Journal Article:
(2018) Reconsidering Politics: the Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, in Bangabidya: International Journal of Bengal Studies, V-10, pp. 278-291, Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, (ISSN 2277-7717)
(2015) (with Ilias Mahmud, Sadia Chowdhury, Sally Theobald, Hermen Ormel, Salauddin Biswas, Yamin Tauseef Jahangir, Malabika Sarker and Sabina Faiz Rashid) Exploring the context in which different close –to – community sexual and reproductive health service providers operate in Bangladesh: a qualitative study, Human Resources for Health, 13:51 DOI 10.1186/s12960-015-0045-z
(2012) Reconfiguring the Gender Relation: The Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, in Culture and Religion, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 177-192 Special Issue: Finding Muslim Partners, Building Islamic Lives.
(2010) ‘Purification of Self’: Ijtema as a New Islamic Pilgrimage, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 3(SI), Special Issue, pp. 133-150. ISSN 1 307 6000
Report and Article Published online:
(2014) Context Analysis: Close-to-Community Health Care Service Providers in Bangladesh, REACHOUTH: Linking Communities and Health System, an European Union funded consortium project. http://reachoutconsortium.org/media/1825/bangladeshcontextanalysisjuly2014compressed.pdf
(2014) A case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, published on 13 August 2014, http://alochonaa.com/2014/08/13/muslim-diversity-series-a-case-of-the-tablighi-jamaat-in-bangladesh/
Newspaper Article
(২০১৯) রোহিঙ্গা-সংকটের-সমাধান-কোথায়? ০৫ অক্টোবর
(২০১৮) তাবলিগ জামাত: কেন এই দ্বন্দ্ব ও বিভেদ? প্রথম আলো, ০৬ ডিসেম্বর
(২০১৮) ফলে রাসায়নিক বিতর্ক, ভোক্তা কী করবে?, প্রথম আলো, ০৬ জুন
(২০১৭) বিশ্ব ইজতেমা: অভূতপূর্ব মহাসমাবেশ, প্রথম আলো, ০৫ নভেম্বর
(২০১৭) পরিবহন ধর্মঘট :বিচার ব্যবস্থার প্রতি অশ্রদ্ধা, সমকাল, ৪ মার্চ
Conference Papers
(2015) Contemporary Implication of Anthropology: Information communication technology and the relevance of Applied Anthropology, paper presented at the conference on ‘Institute of Applied Anthropology, Dhaka, 28th December.
(2015) Reconsidering Politics: the Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, paper presented at the conference on ‘Fourth International Congress of Bengal Studies 2015, The Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 12-13 December.
(2015) Findings of System Requirement Needs Assessment Study (SRNAS) under Missing Child Alert (MCA), paper presented at Regional Review Meeting on MCA Mapping and Research Work, New Delhi, India, 3-5 August.
(2011) Love and Marriage: Case of the Tablighi Jamaat and Young Bangladeshi, Paper presented at the conference on ‘Islam, Love and Marriage: New Choices for a New World, Jointly organized by the World Religion, Dhaka University and the BAHAR, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 7th January.
(2010) Marriage, Partnership and ‘Islamic Life’: the Case of British Bangladeshi Youth, Paper presented at the ESRC Conference, Finding Muslim Partners, Building Islamic Lives: Young South Asian Muslims at Home and in the Diaspora, Cardiff, 5-7 Nov.
(2010) The Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh: An Ethnographic Study of an Islamic Reform Movement, Presented at ‘Methodological challenges in doctoral research on religion, Regent’s Park College, Oxford, UK, 8th May,
(2010) The Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh and the UK: an Ethnographic Study of an Islamic Reform Movement, paper presented at the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 11th February.
(2009) The Tablighi Jamaat in the UK: Searching for the Global Muslim Identity, paper presented at the Postgraduate Conference on Exile and Migration organized by the School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK, 11th June.
(2009) Discipline and the Islamic Movement: Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in the UK and Bangladesh, paper presented at the Control Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff UK, 25-26 June.
The Charles Wallace Bangladesh Scholarship, UK, June 2011
Research Assistantship by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to support doctoral research at Cardiff University, UK, September 2008
Postgraduate Scholarship for Sociology & Social Policy, The University of Nottingham, UK, June 2006
The Charles Wallace Bangladesh Scholarship, UK, June 2006
PhD, Cardiff University, UK, December 2014.
Title of the thesis: The Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh and the UK: an Ethnographic Study of an Islamic Reform Movement.
MA in Global Citizenship, Identities and Human Rights (Merit), The University of Nottingham, UK, 2007.
MSS in Anthropology (Applied Track) (1st Class), Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2004.
BSS in Anthropology (1st Class), Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, 2002.
Assistant Professor, PSS, North South University, August 2015 to April 2019.
Mid Level Faculty at James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC Institute of Global Health, BRAC University from April 2013 to March 2014.
Teaching Assistant at the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, UK from Sept 2012 to Jan 2013.
Research Assistant at the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, UK from Sept 2008 to Jan 2011.
Research Specialist at Dnet, March 2014 to August 2015
I worked in a project called Missing Child Alert (MCA). MCA is an initiative to address cross-border child trafficking in South Asia. The program aims to develop a technologically equipped regional system of alert combat child trafficking from Bangladesh and Nepal to India.
Staff Researcher at Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC, Sept 2005 to Sept 2006
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 101) GED course, Department of PSS, 2015 to date.
Introduction to Anthropology (ANT 101) GED course, Department of PSS, 2015 to date.
Basic Sociology and Anthropology (DEV 502) Masters in Development Studies (MDS) program, Department of Economics, 2016 to date
Member of British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS)
Honorary Fellow and Member, Research Group on the Body, Health and Religion (BAHAR), at the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, UK
Globalisation, Anti Human Trafficking and Human Rights, Citizentship and Identities, Civil Society and NGOs, Contemporary Islamic Movement, Religion and Development, Anthropology of Development, Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Medical Anthropology, Implication of Anthropology in Information Communication Technology (ICT).