Dr. Sk. Tawfique M. Haque
Chair, Department of Political Science and Sociology
Director, Center for Peace Studies (CPS), and
Director, South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG)
The Rohingya Crisis: A Morale, Ethnographic and Policy Assessment, 2020, Routledge, India.
Governance and Development Management: South Asian Perspective, 2018, Century Publications, Dhaka.
Governance in South, South East and East Asia: Trends, Issues and Challenges, USA, June 2015, Springer International.
Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh, 2011, North South University, Dhaka.
Special issue of Public Organization Review titled “Public Policy and Governance in South and South-East Asia”, 2013, Co-edited with Ishtiaq Jamil and Salahuddin Aminuzzaman
‘Democratic Participation in Bangladesh: Does It Vary Across Ethnicity, Religion and Gender’ has been published in the book titled Including the Excluded in South Asia: Power, Politics and Policy Perspectives from the Region, by Springer in 2019
‘The Civil Service System of Bangladesh’ was published in the book titled Civil Service Management and Administrative Systems in South Asia, by Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland in 2019
‘Knowledge Generation through Joint Research: What Can North and South Learn from Each Other?’ has been published in the book titled North South Knowledge Networks: Towards Equitable Collaboration Between Academics, Donors and Universities, by African Minds, South Africa in January 2017
‘Citizens’ Trust in the Informal Governance System and Local Civil Society in Bangladesh’ has been published in the book titled Civil Society in Asia: In Search of Democracy and Development in Bangladesh, by ASHGATE, UK in May 2015
‘Does Governance Matter in South Asia and Beyond?’ has been published by Springer International in the book titled Governance in South, South East and East Asia: Trends Issues and Challenges in 2015
An edited Introduction chapter is published by Springer International in the book titled Governance in South, South East and East Asia: Trends Issues and Challenges in 2015
‘Administrative Culture and Corruption in Bangladesh’ was published by Routledge in the book titled Administrative Culture in Developing and Transitional Countries in November 2014
‘The Normative Roots of Governance Theories: Prospects and Challenges from Bangladesh Perspective’ published in the book titled Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh; Edited by Dr. Ishtiaq Jamil, Professor Salahuddin M. Aminuzzaman, Professor Steinar Askvik and Dr. Sk. Tawfique M. Haque; North South University, Dhaka, 2011
‘NGO Governance in Bangladesh: Quest for Transparency and Accountability’ published in the book titled Governance and Development, Bangladesh and Regional Experiences; Professor Salahuddin M. Aminuzzaman (ed.); Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, September, 2006
“Role of Civil Society in South Asia to Promote the China-South Asia Cooperation for Mutual Development” has been published at Journal of Southeast Asian and South Asian Studies, from China in 2014
“Theories of Governance: South Asian Perspective” was published in a special issue of Public Organization Review (POR) by Springer USA titled Policy and Governance in South and South East Asia, in November, 2013
“Administrative Culture and Incidence of Corruption in Bangladesh: A Search for the Potential Linkage” published at a special issue of International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) by Routledge UK, 36:13, 996-1006, in October, 2013
“Challenges of People’s Participation at Local Governance” published in the Nepalese Journal of Public Policy and Governance in the Volume: XXIV, Number: 1, Issue: January – July, 2009
“Domestic Violence: An Issue of Human Security in Bangladesh” published in Empowerment, 2009, Vol 16.
“New Institutional Thinking: The Role of Member of Parliaments in Local Governance and Development” published in the Social Science Journal (Samajik Bigyan Patrika) of Dhaka University in the Volume 1, Issue 1, 2005
Dr. Helal Mohiuddin
Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)
The Rohingya Crisis: Analyses, Responses and Peacebuilding Avenues. USA: Lexington Books, 2020, Kawser Ahmed and Helal Mohiuddin
Minority Complex, Majority Reflex (In Bengal মাইনরিটি কমপ্লেক্স, মেজরিটি রিফ্লেক্স), will be published in 2021 from Bangladesh, Helal Mohiuddin, (প্রথমা, বাতিঘর অথবা ঐতিহ্য).
The Bangladeshi Middle Class, and the Political Sociology of Mass Movement, (In Bengali, বাংলাদেশের মধ্যবিত্ত ও গণ আন্দোলনের রাজনৈতিক সমাজতত্ত্ব, will be published by late 2021, Helal Mohiuddin, সম্ভাব্য প্রকাশক বাতিঘর).
“বহির্বিশ্বে রোহিঙ্গা যোগাযোগ ও নেতৃত্বের সংকট, ২০২০, হেলাল মহিউদ্দীন,” বুলবুল আশরাফ সিদ্দিকী ও ইশরাত জাকিয়া সুলতানা সম্পাদিত বই “রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী-জীবন: অনিশ্চিত আগামী ও সভ্যতার দায়”। ঢাকা: প্রথমা প্রকাশনী।
“The Peace-Repatriation Economy (PRA) Model towards Rohingya Resettlement: Proposition”. In ……., Helal Mohiuddin and Kawser Ahmed. Sage
“Gendered Framework of Socially responsible and ecologically sustainable grassroots entrepreneurial innovations in Bangladesh”, 2021 [With A K M Shahidullah, University of Tasmania, Australia].
“Impact of Covid-19 on adolescent mental health and well-being in Dhaka city”, 2021.
“Covid-19: Resilience of the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh”, 2021 [with a team of the University of Fraser Valley, Canada].
“রেসিপ্রোসিটিঃ করোনাকালের ভঙ্গুর সমাজ-সম্পর্ক প্রসঙ্গে”, জুলাই ২০২০, হেলাল মহিউদ্দীন, সাময়িকীঃ ত্রৈমাসিক দেশকাল ।
“আমিসঃ ক্যানিব্যালিজম, সম্পর্কশাস্ত্র ও ফ্রয়েডীয় মনোসমীক্ষণের দৃশ্যকাব্য”, অক্টোবর ২০২০, হেলাল মহিউদ্দীন, সাময়িকীঃ ত্রৈমাসিক দেশকাল ।
এই গবেষণা নিবন্ধটি নৃবিজ্ঞান-ভাবনার আলোকে শিল্প, সাহিত্য ও চলচ্চিত্রে ফ্রয়েডীয়
“চাতকঃ মরমী লোককাব্য ও চাতকচৈতন্য”, ডিসেম্বর ২০২০, হেলাল মহিউদ্দীন, বুনন প্রবন্ধ সংকলন।
At least three journal papers are expected to be published in late 2021 and early 2022.
- “COVID19-driven Emerging Mental Health Crises among the Urban Adolescents: An Exploratory Study” [November 2020-November 2021, Under NSU-CTRG grants], 2021-2022, Helal Mohiuddin & Jashim Uddin.
- “Pass-it-forward’: Reproduction of Life-skill education of the Rohingya Female Adolescents”. Proposed paper title under the Global Grants of the Rotary International (USA & Canada), 2021-2022, Helal Mohiuddin & Kawser Ahmed.
- “Modeling Training of the Trainers (ToT) to create community-based female adolescent volunteer educators in a Rohingya Camp”, Helal Mohiuddin & Kawser Ahmed. Experience from the Pilot Study’. Proposed paper title under the small action research grant by the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation [MCIC, 2021-2022].
Dr. Bulbul Siddiqi
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)
The ‘Myth’ of Repatriation: The Prolonged Sufferings of the Rohingya in Bangladesh, The Present with no Future: The Rohingya in the Place of Migration and Beyond, 2021, in Uddin, Nasir (eds.), New Delhi: SAGE
Living in Uncertainty: Vulnerable Rohingyas in Bangladesh, in Haque, SKT; Siddiqi, B. and Bhuiyan, M.R. (eds.) The Rohingyas in Bangladesh: Discourses and Challenges, 2021, (with Palash Kamruzzaman and Ehsanul Kabir), New Delhi: Routledge
Representation of Forcibly Displaced Rohingyas in Bangladeshi Newspapers in Haque, SKT; Siddiqi, B. and Bhuiyan, M.R. (eds.) The Rohingyas in Bangladesh: Discourses and Challenges, 2021, (with Palash Kamruzzaman and Ehsanul Kabir), New Delhi: Routledge
The Rohingyas in Bangladesh: Discourses and Challenges, 2021, (Edited with Sk Tawfique Haque and Mahmudur Rahmar Bhuian), [Currently negotiating with Routledge for this edited volume that was the outcome of the International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh that was held in 2019]
রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী-জীবন: অনিশ্চিত আগামী ও সভ্যতার দায়, 2021, (Edited with Ishrat Zakia Sulatana in Bengali), ঢাকা: প্রথমা
Living in the Time of Covid-19: Perspectives and Realities, 2021, (Edited Ishrat Zakia Sultana and Sk Tawfique Haque)
তাবলিগ জামাত: বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্বপরিসরে, 2019, ঢাকা:প্রথমা
Becoming ‘Good Muslim’: The Tablighi Jamaat in the UK and Bangladesh, 2018, Singapore: Springer
Perception of the Pathways towards Radicalization among Urban Youth in Bangladesh Radicalization in South Asia: Context, Trajectories and Implication, pp. 290-310, 2019, in Hasan, Mubashar; Isezaki, Kenji and Yasir, Sameer (eds), New Delhi: SAGE.
Implementation of Policy on Combating Child Trafficking in Bangladesh, in Society and Public Policy, Research Volume 1, (2017), Dhaka: Public Policy and Governance Program.
Reconsidering Politics: The Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, in Bangabidya: International Journal of Bengal Studies, V-10, pp. 278-291, 2018, Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, (ISSN 2277-7717)
Exploring the context in which different close-to-community sexual and reproductive health service providers operate in Bangladesh: a qualitative study, Human Resources for Health, 13:51 DOI 10.1186/s12960-015-0045-z, 2015, (with Ilias Mahmud, Sadia Chowdhury, Sally Theobald, Hermen Ormel, Salauddin Biswas, Yamin Tauseef Jahangir, Malabika Sarker and Sabina Faiz Rashid)
Reconfiguring the Gender Relation: The Case of the Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh, in Culture and Religion, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 177-192 Special Issue: Finding Muslim Partners, Building Islamic Lives, 2012
‘Purification of Self’: Ijtema as a New Islamic Pilgrimage, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 3(SI), Special Issue, pp. 133-150. ISSN 1 307 6000, 2010
Dr. Harisur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)
The Covidization of Television Commercial in Bangladesh. 2020. Sangbed Publishers.
The Portrayal of Rohingya Crisis in the Chinese and the Indian Online English Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analysis. 2020. Harisur Rahman. Routledge.
Consuming Cultural Hegemony: Bollywood in Bangladesh. 2019. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bollywood is Bangladeshi! Hindi films and the formation of middle-class audiences. 2020. Journal of Asian Ethnology.
Bollywoodization or Ghettoization? The Bangladeshi Dream Factory is in Disarray. 2017. Journal of Studies in South Asian Film & Media.
Dr. Ishrat Zakia Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)
Living in the Time of Covid-19: Perspectives and Realities, 2021. Edited with Bulbul Ashraf Siddiqi and Sk Tawfique Haque.
রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী-জীবন: অনিশ্চিত আগামী ও সভ্যতার দায়, 2021. Edited with Bulbul Ashraf Siddiqi in Bengali), ঢাকা: প্রথমা।
রোহিঙ্গাঃ ভূরাজনীতির জটিলতায় শরণার্থী। ২০২১। বুলবুল আশরাফ সিদ্দিকী ও ইশরাত জাকিয়া সুলতানা সম্পাদিত বই “রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী-জীবন: অনিশ্চিত আগামী ও সভ্যতার দায়”, ঢাকা: প্রথমা।
রোহিঙ্গাদের জন্য আইনি কাঠামোঃ বাংলাদেশ, দক্ষিণ এশিয়া, ও আন্তর্জাতিক প্রেক্ষাপট (সহলেখক মোহাম্মদ ইকবাল)। ২০২১। বুলবুল আশরাফ সিদ্দিকী ও ইশরাত জাকিয়া সুলতানা সম্পাদিত বই “রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী-জীবন: অনিশ্চিত আগামী ও সভ্যতার দায়”, ঢাকা: প্রথমা।
Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Bangladesh: A Historical Overview. 2020. In Beyond 2020: Renewing Canada’s Commitment to Immigration (Volume 2). Published by Association for Canadian Studies.
The Exploitation of Women Workers: Unveiling Capitalism in Bangladeshi Garment Industries. 2016. In N. Mahtab, S, Parker, F. Kabir, T. Haque, A. Sabur, & A.S.M. Sowad (Eds.), Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis. USA: IGI Global.
Sustaining the Distressed. 1999. In Imtiaz Ahmed (ed.) Living with Floods: An Exercise in Alternatives. Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
Jointly with Sk Tawfique M. Haque. Provisions and Challenges of Refugee Education in South and South-east Asian Countries. 2021. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees.
“Rohingyas’ education, social relations and governmentality in Bangladesh”. 2018. Journal of Identity, Culture & Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue, Senegal.
Unaccompanied Minors and Youth in Canada: Interventions and Challenging Contexts. 2014. In D. Morgan, E. Zinck, & B. O’Bright (Eds.), Intersections of Research and Practice: Children, Youth and Security Graduate Symposium. Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax.
Dr. Hasanuzzaman
Assistant Director
External Affairs
Prevalence of preeclampsia in pre-gestational diabetic pregnancy in Bangladeshi patients” Pregnancy Hypertension: An International Journal of Women’s Cardiovascular Health Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 113–114
The Magnitude of Public Health Problems and Challenges in Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality in Bangladesh” Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, Volume 19, No. 02, September 2013, Page 119-127
Dr. Abdul Wohab
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science and Sociology (PSS)
Wohab, A. (2020). Secularism or Islam? An exploration in Bangladesh 1971-2019 (in review process).
Wohab, A. (2021). COVID-19 and child sexual abuse: a critical link
Wohab, A. (2021). COVID-19 and domestic violence in Bangladesh: why it matters? (in progress).
Wohab, A., & Ali, M. (2015). A Conceptual Framework of Risk-taking Behaviours of Adolescent while using the Internet in Bangladesh. International Journal of Computer Applications, 132(16): 35-45.
Lata, L. N., & A, Wohab. (2011). Relative Deprivation of Children in Dhaka City: A Case Study of Dhanmondi. International Review of Modern Sociology, 37 (2).
Lata, L. N., & Wohab A. (2010). Relative Deprivation in Dhaka City: A Case Study of Dhanmondi, Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 6 (1):1-12.
Wohab, A., & Akhter, S. (2010). The Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Children’s Psychology and Employment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5:144–149, Available online at www.sciencedirect.com.
Akhter, S., & A. Wohab. (2008). Millennium Development Goal of Improving Maternal Health in Bangladesh: A Review of Concepts. BRAC University Journal, 5(1): 99-112.
Akhter, S., & Wohab, A. (2006). Health, Nutrition and Human Resource Development: A critical link. BRAC University Journal, 2 (3):125-132.
Wohab, A., & Akhter, S. (2004). Local Level Politics in Bangladesh: Organization and Process, BRAC University Journal, 1(1):23-32.
Dr. Ahmed Hossain
Global Health Institute
Ahmed Hossain, Baten RBA, Sultana ZZ, etal. Pre-displacement abuse and post-displacement factors associated with mental health symptoms after forced migration among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(3):e211801. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1801
Sultana, Z.Z., Hoque, F.U., Beyene, J., Ahmed Hossain HIV infection and multidrug resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Infectious Disease. 21, 51 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12879-020-05749-2.
Ahmed Hossain, Sarker Mohammad Nasrullah, Zarrin Tasnim, Md.Kamrul Hasan, and Md. Maruf Hasan, Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies among health care workers prior to vaccine administration in Europe, the USA and East Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, EclinicalMedicine- The Lancet 2021. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/ PIIS2589- 5370(21)00050- X/fulltext
Ahmed Hossain, Shakil Ahmed, Md. Shahjalal and Gias U. Ahsan (2019) Health risks of Rohingya children: Two years on, The Lancet, October 19, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31395-9
Islam M, Sultana ZZ, IqbalA, Ali M, Ahmed Hossain Effect of in-house crowding on childhood hospital admissions for acute respiratory infection: A matched case-control study in Bangladesh. International J. Infectious Disease. 2021 Mar 5;105:639-645. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2021.03.002. PMID: 33684561.
Dr. Norman K. Swazo
Office of Research
Swazo, N.K., Haque, Sk. T., Haque, M., Nower, T., The Rohingya Crisis: A Moral, Ethnographic, and Policy Assessment (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Swazo, N.K., Heidegger’s Entscheidung: “Decision” between “Fate” and “Destiny” (New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Swazo, N.K., Destroying Idols: Revisioning the Meaning of ‘God’ (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019)
Swazo, N.K. ed., Topics in Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics: An Anthology (Dhaka: Century Publications, 2018)
Swazo, N.K., Crisis Theory and World Order: Heideggerian Reflections (Albany: SUNY Press, 2002)
“Global Justice v. US Global Hegemony: Rejecting Bolton’s Opposition to the ICC”, Cardozo International Comparative, Policy & Ethics Law Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 2019, pp. 123-166.
“‘For the Sake of Repairing the World’ (mipnei tikkun ha’olam),” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, Winter 2019, pp. 119-147. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/725184
“Against State Censorship of Thought and Speech” The ‘Mandate of Philosophy’ contra Islamist Ideology, International Journal of Political Theory, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, pp. 1-23. https://philarchive.org/rec/SWAASC
“Appropriating Islamic Law for International Law?” Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 54, 2018, pp. 101-106; DOI: 10.5840/wcp232018541170; [The 23rd WCP was held in Athens Greece in 2013; this paper was submitted as a “Section” paper, Section on International Law.]
“Jihadists ‘Wrong Themselves’ Morally: An Islamic Aristotelian Interpretation,” Ilahiyat Studies: A Journal on Islamic and Religious Studies, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2018, pp.1-36
“Applying Dworkin’s Legal Philosophy contra Islamist Ideology: Sharī‘ah as a Matter of Interpretation (Ijtihād) and Ethics (ilm al-akhlāq),” UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 6(1), 2017, 90-113; http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1553299/1/4.%20Swazo%20FINAL.pdf,
“Engaging the Hermeneutics of Suspicion about Islamic Faith and Practice,” International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 9-41, June 2016, http://www.ijwp.org/
“The Case of Hamza Kashgari: Examining Apostasy, Heresy, and Blasphemy under Shari’a,” Review of Faith and International Affairs, Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2014, pp. 16-26 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15570274.2014.976089
“Beautiful Memories; Fabulous Memories: A Meta-narrative on the Conflicted Identity of ‘Hani’ Abu Zubaydah,” International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 31, No. 3, September 2014, http://www.ijwp.org/
“From Crisis to Renovation: Hwa Yol Jung’s Contribution to Political Theory.” In Jin Y. Park, ed., Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Hwa Yol Jung (Lexington Books: 2009), pp.83-101
“‘My brother is my king’: Evaluating the Moral Duty of Global Jihad”, International Journal on World Peace, Vol. 25, No. 4, December 2008, pp. 7-47